Month: January 2019

How About This Wall Deal, Mr. Trump?

Washington, DC – It was mind-boggling today to learn that Trump is expected to stay dug into his “must have a border Wall no matter what” position, deaf to what the Democrats have been saying for months (“we’re absolutely for border security, let’s protect Americans using modern technology; it’s far more effective, takes less time to install, can be moved around very easily, and is a better match for how drugs and illegal migrants enter the country”). This traumatic impasse is now expected to last until the end of the month, January 29, 2019 apparently, when Trump’s State of the Union Address is scheduled.

If the shutdown continues past thirty days, there are some who predict that the negative impact on the 800,000 furloughed federal employees may become catastrophic. This simply cannot happen. We have to move quickly to shake things up so that obstinate Donald J. Trump can see the light and reopen the government.

The most baffling part of the this bizarre showdown and shutdown is that Trump is very aware of modern technology. He’s the one who demanded the U.S. establish a Space Force. Even before that, right out of the gate in March 2017, Trump launched the White House Office of American Innovation. But the absolute penultimate technology advancement example, that’s dawning on the 2019 horizon, that Trump surely has been briefed on monthly, even weekly, is the huge technology revolution that will change society as we know it – the 5G revolution – that will kick-off an enormous surge in product innovation, many devices that will be specifically designed to address personal security, home and corporate security, and border security. CES 2019 debuted many of these new products just last week.

So what’s going on here? What is Trump really up to? How can he be trashing the lives of 800,000 Americans when he’s fully aware that the technological awakening has arrived and will be mushrooming though everything we do, and everywhere we go.

Does Trump have a mental block about technology? Do we have to craft some type of “learning experience” to help him understand how valuable these innovative border security options are?

Actually, maybe we do. So… Let’s Make a Deal, Trump? If you don’t want to use modern technology to secure the border after you’ve been bragging for two years about all these modern advancements, well then fine. Perhaps you’ll realize the benefits of modern technology if we take away yours.

Would you agree to giving up your cell phone forever, and only using a landline, and never being able to tweet again, and never using a computer, in exchange for Nancy Pelosi agreeing to your demand for $5.7 Billion Medieval Wall?

No? I didn’t thing so.

Mr. Trump, you have absolutely no justification whatsoever for shutting down the government of the United States of America. You know it, the American public knows it, and the world knows it.  You should be charged with a crime for shattering the lives of 800,000 Americans. No more wall, Mr. Trump. The shutdown has been your worst ruse yet.

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Impeachment is Easier Than It Seems

“A likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility.” ~Aristotle

The world has been traumatized by Trump’s delusion, and McConnell’s support of Trump’s delusion, for two painfully slow, long years. This feeling of continuous cognitive dissonance while we’re forced to endure these two self-serving cowards as they pretend to lead our massive nation, in the midst of defrauding us, ignites that effervescent American spirit that fills us with motivation, and the “can do” determination, on these toughest, darkest days.

Trump and McConnell appear to have a quid pro quo relationship. Kentucky is the largest coal producing state in the country. Trump has gone all in on promoting coal, and passing legislation that benefits coal producers while harming the health and well-being of millions of Americans. In return, McConnell has pledged his loyalty to trump in equal measure.

This is corruption. And this is why we have a twisted stalemate during this government shutdown that’s been a traumatic event for 800,000+ Americans.

According to The Hill today (Tuesday January 15, 2019), McConnell boldly blocked a “House bill to reopen government for second time.” Additionally, The Hill published the scoop that McConnell vowed “the senate won’t override Trump veto on shutdown fight.”

Which brings us to an historic crossroad. We’re forced to make a choice.

  • Unconvincing possibility? | McConnell and or Trump doing the right thing… proceeding forward with ending the shutdown because it’s what’s best for America.
  • Likely impossibility? | Expel McConnell so that we can impeach Trump which will end the shutdown. Perhaps Amazon and Apple and several states could front a loan to pay the 800,000 furloughed federal employees until this is over.

If Aristotle advises that it’s best to go with the “likely impossibility,” well then… let’s just do it. What do we have to lose? Absolutely nothing. The only way we can lose is by doing nothing, or by caving and letting a malicious bully weaken our resolve.

Impeachment is much easier than it appears. Just 3 steps:

(1)  House of Representatives debate the Articles of Impeachment against Trump and vote. They need a simple majority.

(2) Expel Mitch McConnell from the Senate. Senators must have 67 votes to succeed at this. McConnell has a super majority opposed to him right now, so this shouldn’t require much persuasion. Fourteen Senators have been expelled from the Senate since the U.S. Constitution was ratified.

(3) Once McConnell is expelled, the Senate will hold an Impeachment Trial:

  • House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Representative Jerry Nadler, acts as prosecutor and submits evidence
  • Trump’s lawyers submit his defense
  • Chief Justice John Roberts presides as judge and rules on whether the evidence is admissible
  • The Senate acts as the jury, 67 need to say “Aye” to impeach

It seems a very likely impossibility that we can succeed at this if we move swiftly to expel McConnell as soon as possible.

© Copyright 2017 – 2019. ALL Rights Reserved.

Longest Shutdown Ever | GOP Senators 2020

Washington (GGM) Analysis | January 12, 2019
NoreenProfilePicHillReport-75 by Noreen Wise

It’s Friday night January 11, 2019 just before midnight. Mitch McConnell is already back home in Kentucky, tucked safely away in his expansive homestead, sipping champagne perhaps, while 800,000 Americans are gripped with trauma as we head into the 22 day of the longest shutdown in American history.

This shutdown has no logical justification. It feels like we’ve been viciously attacked by a foreign enemy… similar to the perilous grip of a cyber attack that inflicts grave financial harm.

Mitch McConnell is the Senate Majority Leader and is ultimately the most responsible for this nightmare. After two years of enabling Trump to defy the U.S. Constitution, and two years of McConnell failing at his responsibility to be a check on the Executive Branch, the cumulative result is a treasonous president who’s a threat to American citizens and a danger to the world.

McConnell could easily rally his GOP colleagues to follow through with their oath of office, and yet he defiantly refuses. It’s galling.

The following are 21 GOP Senators who are up for reelection in 2020. May the self-serving, anti-American amongst them, who’ve corrupted their oath of office by their flagrant inaction and indifference that’s traumatizing American citizens, be the final straw that permanently marks them, and makes these their final days in office.

  • Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
  • Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
  • Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
  • Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • John Cornyn (R-TX)
  • Tom Cotton (R-AR)
  • Steve Daines (R-MT)
  • Mike Enzi (R-WY)
  • Joni Ernst (R-IA)
  • Cory Gardner (R-CO)
  • Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MI)
  • James Inhofe (R-OK)
  • Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • David Perdue (R-GA)
  • Jim Risch (R-ID)
  • Pat Roberts (R-KS)
  • Mike Rounds (R-SD)
  • Ben Sasse (R-NE)
  • Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
  • Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Below are what some had to say on the eve of the longest shutdown in US history… a shutdown that strongly resembles a Russian cyber attack.

Senator Mitch McConnell did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019 before heading home for the weekend.

Senator Susan Collins did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans.

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Senator Ben Sasse also did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans. But she did retweet  the GOP video on January 10, 219.

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Senator Lamar Alexander seems to have the right attitude, meeting with constituents on January 11, 2019 to discuss with them the best way to end the shutdown. He’s very atypical compared to his GOP counterparts.

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Senator Tom Cotton, no mention of the shutdown on January 11, 2019, but Senator Cotton did bring up the border o January 9, 2019, approximately 24 hours after Trump’s failed Presidential Address.

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Senator Bill Cassidy actually has a good idea, but the cartel money should be used for modern technology rather than a pointless medieval wall.

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Senator Steve Daines didn’t tweet about the shutdown on January 11, 2019, but he did tweet about protecting public lands and working across party lines which seems to subliminally suggest he’d like to work with Dems to reopen the government.

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Senator Mike Enzi is another GOP Senator who showed an air of bipartisanship by cosponsoring bill to end government shutdowns forever. This works.

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Senator Joni Ernst did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019 about the shutdown, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans. But she did show complete indifference to the plight of the 800,000 federal employees by tweeting about her own pet project.


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Senator Cory Gardner did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019 about the shutdown, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans. But he did show complete indifference to the plight of the 800,000 federal employees by tweeting about his own pet project.

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Senator Thom Tillis did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019 about the shutdown, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans. But he did show complete indifference to the plight of the 800,000 federal employees by tweeting about his own pet project.

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Senator David Perdue did NOT tweet on Friday January 11, 2019, the eve of what’s to become the longest shutdown in US history, that will harm 800,000 innocent Americans.


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Critical Mass, Kevin Sweeney’s Resignation

The unexpected resignation of Rear Admiral Kevin Sweeney, USN (Ret.), Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, just days after the Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan took the reigns at the Pentagon, makes an already alarming situation that much more so.

The following highly experienced, top level decision makers have left their coveted positions at the Pentagon in quick succession:

  • Secretary of Defense James Mattis | December 20, 2018
  • Special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Brett McGurk | December 22, 2018
  • Secretary of Defense Chief Of Staff Kevin Sweeney | January 5, 2019

Having an unqualified Acting Secretary of Defense is a significant liability. But in light of the reason why Mattis resigned, it makes sense that McGurk would follow suit. Bolton seems to be scrambling to fill the gaping holes by slowing down the Syrian withdrawal, but to now lose the chief of staff, who came out of retirement at Mattis’ request to be his chief of staff in January 2017, further destabilizes this seat of power.

According to CNN, the White House requested Sweeney resign. He was “forced out.”

In a statement posted on the DOD website, Sweeney stated: “After two years in the Pentagon, I’ve decided the time is right to return to the private sector. It has been an honor to serve again alongside the men and women of the Department of Defense.”

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Trump has seven vital vacancies with acting secretaries currently in charge, most of whom are severely under qualified. Being the president of the United States of America is the most challenging position on earth even when all cabinet positions are filled with the most qualified candidates. When Trump had his army of a transition team, and they were busy finding candidates for each position, that was considered challenging  even with all hand on deck. But now Trump has nearly as many openings as he did in January 2017, but no transition team and very few advisors. Additionally, Trump has already proven himself to be unqualified for his position as president.

How is this manageable?

Now factor in a government shutdown, an MIA Senate Majority Leader, and it should be abundantly clear that Trump is incapable of overseeing this all-consuming disaster.

There needs to be a bipartisan political SWAT Team that can step in during these types of critical emergencies and keep our ship afloat when we start taking in this much water. In a crisis, leaders just jump in and start directing. No invitation needed.

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Waging War Against Big Pharma

It’s a new year. Everything seems bright and shiny and hopeful as the blue wave whirls into DC and Nancy Pelosi blows away old rivals, along with a 60 year old record, and becomes House Speaker for a second time.

And yet, the deep, dark shadow of an unrelenting villain, creeps out of hiding and hangs a heavy, ominous cloud over the joyous celebration.

Big Pharma. The ugly, vile monstrous greed of Big Pharma. Corruption at it’s worst. Sociopathic indifference to human life. It’s absolutely galling. These mega companies received a huge profit increase in 2018 from the GOP corporate tax break; it’s thus unimaginable how they can justify such a blatant assault on millions of the vulnerable. Managing health conditions is both physical and mental. To negatively impact the psychological, as well as the physical, well-being of the most defenseless should be a crime. It actually might be criminal. Isn’t torture a crime?

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The gloves are off. This price gouging is so spurious, Big Pharma leaves no alternative than for those of us who know some of the health and wellness secrets, to share our experiences with the public. By doing so, you may find that the drug you were paying so much money for, and now can’t afford, you don’t even need.

There are many benefits to trying some of these ancient health secrets, but one of the most beneficial is not having to suffer any side-effects.

Our own immune system is the first line of defense. We can strengthen and tap into our own immune system to fight many common diseases. The way we get diseases, or health conditions, or cancer is by our immune system breaking down so that it can’t function properly and protect us the way that it’s supposed to.

There are simple daily habits we can adopt that will effectively develop this first line of defense.

Stay tuned, help is on the way. More information coming soon…


Shanahan, the Military & Space Force

The newly appointed Acting Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, seems to be setting a great example for his troops… arriving in the dark, and first tweet at 4:15 AM.

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Shanahan won Trump’s confidence in September 2018, when he energetically supported Trump’s plan for a military Space Force, a whole new branch of the military. The military wasn’t too keen on this idea, too much bureaucracy was their assessment when they pushed back. The current military branches consist of: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard.

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Shanahan seems to have a great attitude, appears thrilled with the promotion, seems very intelligent and knows how to begin the first day on the right foot. These are all very positive signs. And yet, deep in the back of one’s mind, there can’t help but be a nagging feeling that Shanahan’s chipper, positive attitude springs from naiveté. For how can he possibly be anything but naive without the proper background for the position?

A 31 year career at Boeing, with his most senior position as senior vice president, Supply Chain & Operations. This is an excellent job. However, in the big scheme of things, it’s a fairly junior position considering how many senior vice presidents Boeing has, and that this level is an entire notch below the top level of President and CEO.

Shanahan’s leap from senior vice president, to Deputy Secretary of Defense, a Trump choice rather than Mattis choice, was a stretch. But now, with just 19 months as deputy, to be the Acting Secretary of Defense, seems as unqualified as a sailer who becomes an expert on a lake where he can see the shoreline at all times, there are no tides, plenty of people around who can help if he has a problem… suddenly up and deciding he’s going to sail around the world on the wild and turbulent and unpredictable ocean using the same boat.

It seems most Secretaries of Defense arrive at work on their first day very somber, appearing to have a deep understanding that this is the most difficult job on the planet, perhaps even more challenging than president of the United States. That this won’t be fun and exciting, but rather very, very difficult, yet monumentally rewarding. They are patriots. This is their duty, no matter how impossible and nerve wracking the position may seem at times.

The Space Force is confusing. The United States has had a Space Force dating all the way back to Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. It may have been a secret Space Force, but it’s still our United States Space Force. Back then, they used hot air balloons for surveillance, and a few decades later apparently signaled troops in the field using hot air balloons during the War of 1812. Perhaps Trump missed this in his daily briefing, or maybe he intentionally decided to let the secret out when he announced we would finally have a Space Force. At various moments across the last two centuries, there appear radon documents and events that confirm this apparent secret Space Force. Some people call these UFO sightings, one was documented as a UFO crash, (Auroro, TX 1897). There are some who read these historic reports and simply nod their heads and smile to themselves, knowing it was really the US Space Force testing new equipment. There were more than 12,000 of these mysterious UFO sightings studied under the Air Force’s Project BLUE BOOK, from 1947 – 1969, the two decades leading up to Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon. Project BLUE BOOK was closed shortly after Neil Armstrong returned home. Definitely has a ring of secret Space Force to it. I welcome you to google NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia and see if that doesn’t have a US Space Force ring to it as well. It’s been around awhile. So again, this is confusing.

There’s a new TV series on the History Channel that begins January 8, 2019… Project Blue Book.

Best of luck Acting Secretary of Defense Shanahan. You have a wonderful attitude!

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Welcome 2019 Tweets from American Leaders

With such a heated ending to 2018 (#TrumpShutdown, Mattis resignation, and dismissal of 83 complaints against Kavanaugh), it’s important to note how 2019 began so we can reference it down the road. It seems the following is how every single day in 2019 will play out (several leaders took a hiatus from Twitter during the holidays, Mitch McConnell for one):

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Happy New Year, Everyone!
